Python Flask Application & AWS tools based, Complete DevOps CICD Pipeline, step-by-step Tutorial

Python Flask Application & AWS tools based, Complete DevOps CICD Pipeline, step-by-step Tutorial

AWS Elastic Container Service + Code Commit (Git) + Code Build + Code Deploy + Code Pipeline+ ChatBot +Application Load Balancer (ALB)

Hi Folks,

In this blog, I am going to explain the step by step tutorial for AWS ECS and CICD DevOps deployment pipeline with the help of native AWS tools. You can find the Steps below.

So Lets Start …. !

GitHub Repository



Step 1: Docker Basics Step 2: AWS ECR Creation Step 3: Create ALB Step 4: Create an AWS ECS Cluster Step 5: AWS Code commit Step 6: AWS Code Build Step 7: AWS Code Pipeline Step 8: Error & Resolution Step 9: Modify Input Artifacts Settings for Stage Step10: Final Deployment Test and Validation

Step 1: Docker Basics

  1. Create EC2 Instance

  2. Install Docker

  3. Pull centos:centos6

  4. Create index.html

  5. Create Dockerfile

  6. Build a Docker image


FROM amazonlinux
RUN yum update -y && yum install -y python python-setuptools python-dev build-essential python-pip python-mysqldb
RUN pip install flask
COPY /opt/
ENTRYPOINT FLASK_APP=/opt/ flask run --host= --port=80

Step 2: AWS ECR Creation

  1. Create AWS ECR

  2. Login to ECR

  3. Tag existing image as AWS ECR repo

  4. Push the image into the ECR

Step 3: Create ALB

  1. Create Target group

  2. Create ALB

Step 4: Create an AWS ECS Cluster

  1. Create a Task with Fargate Computability

  2. Create a FargateCluster

  3. Create a Service with ALB enabled

  4. Test ALB DNS, whether your site is running or not

Step 5: AWS Code commit

  1. Create a Repo

  2. Set ssh connectivity in your local machine

  3. Push your code into the newly created repo

Step 6: AWS Code Build

  1. Create a Code build Project

  2. Select an Artifact for output

  3. Build your Docker image & push to AWS ECR


version: 0.2
      - echo Logging in to Amazon ECR...
      - $(aws ecr get-login --no-include-email --region $AWS_DEFAULT_REGION)
      - echo Build started on `date`
      - echo Building the Docker image...
      - docker build -t demo-doc-repo .
      - docker tag demo-doc-repo:latest      
      - echo Build completed on `date`
      - echo Pushing the Docker image...
      - docker push

Step 7: AWS Code Pipeline

  1. Create a pipeline Project

  2. Select you Code commit repo as an input repo from step 5

  3. Select Code build project from Step 6

  4. Select Code Deploy for ECS

  5. Select your cluster and Service name from step 3

  6. Crete the Code pipeline

Step 8: Error & Resolution

  1. In the above pipeline, first 2 steps will run successfully

  2. Step 3 deploy will give you an error

  3. For this, you need to Create one “imagedefinitions.json” file and push it to the code commit

  4. The pipeline will run again and you will again get an error on step 3


        "name": "web1",
        "imageUri": ""

Step 9: Modify Input Artifacts Settings for Stage

  1. Change the input

Step 10: Final Deployment Test and Validation

  1. Push the new version of code in a code commit

  2. It will automatically deploy the new task with the new version

  3. At last, you can run the DNS ALB on your browser


I have successfully shown you all the steps for AWS ECS cluster deployment and the CI/ CD pipeline using AWS DevOps tools.