Workflow86: Empowering Teams to Scale Their Operations with Automation

Workflow86: Empowering Teams to Scale Their Operations with Automation

In today's rapidly changing business environment, organizations are under increasing pressure to be agile, efficient and responsive to customer needs. However, many organizations struggle to manage their internal knowledge and processes, which are critical to their day-to-day operations and teams. This is where Workflow86 comes in - a software platform that allows anyone to document, automate and manage their internal business processes.


Founded in 2021, Workflow86 aims to codify the 99% of operational knowledge and expertise held by non-technical teams and translate this into massively scalable software. Workflow86 recognizes that many organizations struggle with siloed and inefficient processes, leading to lost productivity, wasted resources, and a lack of standardization across teams. By providing a platform to document, automate and manage these processes, Workflow86 empowers organizations to be more efficient, consistent, and scalable.

One of the key problems that Workflow86 solves is the challenge of managing processes in a rapidly changing business environment. With Workflow86, teams can quickly document and automate their processes, and then modify them as needed to keep pace with changing business requirements. This ensures that teams are always up to date and that their processes are optimized for efficiency and effectiveness.

Workflow86 offers a variety of use cases across different functional areas, such as administration, cybersecurity, finance, human resources, information technology, legal, marketing, product management, sales, safety, and risk. These use cases include templates and workflows that can be easily customized to meet the specific needs of each organization. For example, the COVID-19 Check-In workflow can be used to ensure that employees are adhering to safety protocols during the pandemic, while the Capital Expenditure Request workflow can be used to manage financial requests from different departments.


With Workflow86, teams can also create their own workflows from scratch using a visual drag-and-drop interface. This enables teams to create customized workflows that are specific to their needs, without requiring technical expertise. Workflow86 also provides integrations with other software tools, such as Slack, Trello, and Google Drive, making it easy to automate and manage workflows across different platforms.


Workflow86 provides several benefits to organizations that adopt the platform. First, it improves the efficiency and consistency of internal processes, reducing the risk of errors and delays. Second, it allows teams to focus on higher-value tasks, as they can automate and streamline repetitive and time-consuming processes. Third, it promotes standardization across teams, ensuring that everyone is using the same processes and tools. Finally, it provides transparency and visibility into processes, making it easier to identify bottlenecks and areas for improvement.

In conclusion, Workflow86 is a powerful software platform that empowers organizations to manage their internal knowledge and processes more effectively. By providing a platform to document, automate and manage processes, Workflow86 enables organizations to be more agile, efficient, and responsive to customer needs. With a variety of use cases and customizable workflows, Workflow86 is a valuable tool for any organization looking to streamline their internal processes and scale their operations with automation.


Workflows Doc

Workflow86 Blogs

In the future, We will see more articles on how to configure it and use it effectively.